Message From Executive Director

We are exceptionally contented on the remarkable progress during the implementation of programs in 2019 with the landmark achievements beside the some of the natural challenges such as devastated earth quick and flood in Nepal. Having the sole vision of “Creation of exploitation free society” Backward Society Education (BASE) has been continuously implementing the various project components based on the collaborative approaches with the state actors and community people in the targeted districts. BASE specifically enforces its initiations to uphold the living standard of marginalized and disadvantage grass root communities. In cooperating the outlined projects towards the target groups BASE drastically manages the parts of structured BASE general/active members and professional activists.
This year BASE has outstandingly come over with the several sorts of community development projects. Sighting the indeed fact of educational inaccessibility in the mid and far western regions BASE has tremendously launched the educational performances with the direct collaboration of District Education Offices, Resource Centers, Education Training Center and Village Education Committee. To recover the bottom line issues of thousands of bounded labors (ex- Kamaiyas) and their children BASE has delivered the livelihood approaches initiating with their basic rights on formal quality education system. Further BASE has focused its implementations on the historical process of constitution building of the nation through involving community groups in the dialogue process. It has also involved building the capacity of community groups to mitigate natural resource based conflict. BASE has been closely working with DDC and VDCs to enhance capacity of IPFC, WCF, CAC, women empowerment group and self help groups for the local planning process, implementation and monitor of development initiatives in their own constituencies for the effective use of local resources and balance development.
Similarly, BASE has vigorously performed the components of emergency aid on humanitarian aspects and disaster preparedness and response in the flood affected community in west Nepal. The promotion of micro enterprises group in remote areas and linking them with market is also another important part of the sustainability of the program.
Further BASE is a mass membership base organization and we are sensitively inspired working with the community strengthening through the institutional development approaches. Therefore the level of capacity developments along with the formation and reformation of the various groups, clubs, women networks and institutions have been continued. Approximately BASE has focused its great initiations to the indigenous and marginalized communities, vulnerable groups, women, children and youths. Concerning the working areas BASE has indefinitely leading its projects in the rural parts of the districts.
At this moment of our annual celebration we cordially appreciate the warm cooperation of our national and international development partners who have incredibly provided support to us. Further our great compliments go towards the local communities and their civic organizations, youth/child clubs, users groups, and child friendly village who increasingly overtook the feelings of ownership to our ventures of community development. Finally we will have our sincere reception to the feedbacks, comments, inquiries and suggestions from our well wishers. On the whole my gratefulness and inspirations are overwhelmingly expressed for the team of Asharam Chaudhary, Pinky Dangi, Laxman Chaudhary, Chandra Bahadur Chaudhary and all program coordinators, District Coordinators and staffs and members, who rigorously managed and contributed to produce good result of the program.
Thank you,
Churna Chaudhari
Executive Director