Reading Promotion Camp; May 2016

BASE conducts reading camp every year as reading celebration day. This year in May, 2016 BASE conducted reading camp in three SSSB project VDCs Manpur and Duruwa of Dang district and Baijapur VDC of Banke district. The main objectives of the Reading camp for students are; to attract children’s attention and interest in reading books, to improve reading ability with fluency and comprehension, to make children stronger, independent reader. In reading camp, the project managed different level of interesting book stalls, different types of learning materials, cultural materials, reference materials, and big story books, poems in both Nepali and Tharu language. Students of grade 2-6 from 26 schools participated in reading camp class wise reading competition. Grade 7-9 students participated in quiz contest. A committee was formed to judge the competition using phonological awareness, reading fluency and comprehension format.
Parents, students, mother groups, communities, political parties, SMC/PTA members, Resource persons, VEC members, child clubs, journalist and all related stakeholders joined the reading camp. The stakeholders got opportunity to observe reading activities of the students. They also monitored learning materials developed by students reading different types of interesting books. They enjoyed cultural and modern songs and dances performed by the students and mother groups. The winner and participating students were rewarded with prize and certificates.
Executive Director, District President, Program coordinator, Community mobilization officer, Program officers, finance officer and social mobilizers from Backward Society Education (BASE) and Country Director- MRS. Helen Sherpa, Project coordinator MRS. Seema Acharya and Program officers from WEI also attended the Reading Camp.
- Sangai Sikaun Sangai Badhaun (SSSB) Project